NS3503-16P-4C User Manual
: Click to apply changes.
Figure 4-12-2
LLDP Global Config Page Screenshot
The page includes the following fields:
LLDP Enable
Display the current LLDP status
LLDP PDU Disable Action
Display the current LLDP PDU disable action
Transmission Interval
Display the current transmission interval
Holdtime Multiplier
Display the current holdtime multiplier
Reinitialization Delay
Display the current reinitialization delay
Transmit Delay
Display the current transmit delay
LLDP-MED Fast Start
Repeat Count
Display the current LLDP-MED Fast Start Repeat Count
4.12.3 LLDP Port Setting
Use the LLDP Port Setting to specify the message attributes for individual interfaces, including whether
messages are transmitted, received, or both transmitted and received. The LLDP Port Configuration and
Status screens in Figure 4-12-3 and Figure 4-12-4 appear.