4 Troubleshooting
Checking the System
If your system exhibits errors, or hardware is not functioning properly, check the following
All hardware is properly and securely installed, and powered on.
The cables are properly attached from the base unit to the various options and to the
peripherals installed in the rack or in remote locations.
The cables that run along the sides or top of the rack are installed in clips or ties to secure
them in place.
The power cord from the AC distribution box or UPS is attached to the correct wall
The equipment attached to the AC distribution box or UPS does not exceed the stated
power limitations.
System Boot Errors
Series of beeps and error message displays
Number of Beeps - Message
Explanation and Solution
1 - Refresh Failure
Bad memory refresh circuitry on the system
board. SIMMs need to be reseated. If error
continues, replace SIMMs.
2 - Parity Error
Parity error in the first 64 KB block of
memory. SIMMs need to be reseated. If
error continues, replace SIMMs.
3 - Base 64 KB Memory Error
Memory failure in the first 64 KB. Ensure
the installed memory is in a valid
configuration. If so, SIMMs need to be
reseated. If error continues, replace SIMMs.
Check the System Control Panel for faulty
SIMMs. If there is no indication of faulty
SIMMs, call the Customer Response Center.