Table 7.
Group: Controller/ Controller 0 Configuration
Display Name
Is clone of
Specifies a controller from which to copy all parameter
values; this parameter applies when you select more than
one HBM2 controller. Set this parameter if you want one
controller to have the same settings as another.
Enable Re-order buffer
Specifies that read data returns to the user interface in the
same order as the issued read commands. If you disable
this feature, the controller may read data in a different
order than it is written; you must maintain the order, based
on the AXI read ID of the transaction.
This parameter applies to cases with multiple AXI
transaction IDs. By using different AXI read/write IDs, you
allow the HBM2 controller to reorder transactions for better
efficiency. If you use the same AXI ID for all transactions,
the controller issues the commands to memory in the order
in which they arrive; in this instance, you need not enable
the reorder buffer.
Enable AXI interface throttling based on temperature and
Enables AXI thermal throttling for the specific HBM2
controller. The parameter that sets the trigger temperature
for thermal throttling resides on the General tab.
Address reordering
Specifies the pattern for mapping from the AXI interface to
the HBM2 memory device. By choosing the right address
reordering configuration, you help to improve the efficiency
of accesses to the HBM2 memory device, based on user
traffic pattern. The HBMC supports three types of address
Address order (32B access: pseudo-BL8 disabled):
Address order (64B access (pseudo-BL8 enabled):
COL[1:0] = {00})
SID applies only to the 8GB/8H HBM2 devices and is not
available for 4GB/4H devices.
User Read Auto-Precharge Policy
You can issue the request to precharge together with the
read command, through the
input, where
x denotes the HBM2 channel number (0-7) and y denotes
the HBM2 Pseudo Channel number (0/1).
You can choose between two values for this parameter:
• RDAP_FORCED mode, in which the HBM2 controller
implements a user-requested auto-precharge command.
• RDAP_HINT mode, in which the controller determines
when to issue an auto-precharge command, based on
user-issued auto-precharge input and the address
User Write Auto-Precharge Policy
You can issue a precharge request together with the write
command, through the
input, where x
denotes the HBM2 channel number (0-7) and y denotes the
HBM2 Pseudo Channel number (0/1).
3 Generating the Intel Stratix 10 MX HBM2 IP
UG-20031 | December 2017
10 MX HBM2 IP User Guide