3 Generating the Intel Stratix 10 MX HBM2 IP
You can generate and parameterize the HBM2 IP using the Intel Quartus
Prime Pro
Edition software, version 17.1 and later.
1. Before generating the HBM2 IP, you must create a new project:
a. Launch the Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition software.
b. Launch the New Project Wizard by clicking File
New Project Wizard.
c. Type a name for your project in the Directory, Name, Top-Level Entity
d. In the Project Type section, select Empty Project.
e. In the Add Files section, click Next.
In the Family, Device, and Board Settings section, select Stratix 10 MX
as the device family.
g. Under Available Devices, select any MX device and your desired speed
h. Click Next and follow the Wizard's prompts to finish creating the project.
2. In the IP Catalog, open Library
Memory Interfaces and Controllers.
3. Select High Bandwidth memory (HBM2) Interface and launch the parameter
Figure 6.
Selecting High Bandwidth Memory Interface in the IP Catalog
UG-20031 | December 2017
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