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Welcome to the Omnipod VIEW™ app, an application to help you, the parents and caregivers of 

a Podder™, monitor the Podder’s™ glucose and insulin history on your mobile phone. The term 

“Podder™” refers to people who use the Omnipod DASH™ Insulin Management System to manage 

their daily insulin needs.

What the Omnipod VIEW™ App Does

The Omnipod VIEW™ app lets you:
• Glance at your phone to see data from a Podder’s™ Personal Diabetes Manager (PDM), 


• Alarm and notification messages.
• Bolus and basal insulin delivery information, including insulin on board (IOB).
• Blood glucose and carbohydrate history.
• Pod expiration date and amount of insulin remaining in the Pod.
• PDM battery charge level.

• View PDM data from multiple Podders™.


Insulin dosing decisions should not be made based on data displayed on the Omnipod VIEW™ 

app. The Podder™ should always follow the instructions in the User Guide that came with the 

The Omnipod VIEW™ app is not intended to replace self-monitoring practices as recommended 

by a healthcare provider.

What the Omnipod VIEW™ App Does Not Do

The Omnipod VIEW™ app does not control a PDM or Pod in any way. In other words, you cannot 

use the Omnipod VIEW™ app to deliver a bolus, change basal insulin delivery, or change a Pod.

System Requirements

The requirements for using the Omnipod VIEW™ app are:
• Apple iPhone with iOS 11.3 or above iOS operating system.
• Internet connection via Wi-Fi or a mobile data plan.

About Mobile Phone Types

This app’s user experience was tested and optimized for the following devices running iOS 11.3 and 

above: iPhone 5S, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone SE, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 

Plus, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, and iPhone X.

Summary of Contents for OmniPod


Page 2: ...ipodlogo DASH theDASHlogo Omnipod DISPLAY OmnipodVIEW Podder andPodderCentralaretrademarksorregisteredtrademarks ofInsuletCorporation Allrightsreserved TheBluetooth wordmarkandlogosareregistered trade...

Page 3: ...idget 7 CheckingaPodder s DatawiththeApp 8 RefreshDatawithaSync 8 CheckInsulinandSystemStatus 9 CheckAlarmsandNotificationsHistory 10 CheckInsulinandBloodGlucoseHistory 10 SettingsScreen 11 PDMandPodD...

Page 4: ...s Warnings InsulindosingdecisionsshouldnotbemadebasedondatadisplayedontheOmnipodVIEW app ThePodder shouldalwaysfollowtheinstructionsintheUserGuidethatcamewiththe PDM TheOmnipodVIEW appisnotintendedtor...

Page 5: ...orefromyourphone 3 TaptheAppStore ssearchiconandsearchfor OmnipodVIEW 4 SelecttheOmnipodVIEW app andtapGet 5 EnteryourAppStoreaccountinformationifrequested Connect the OmnipodVIEW App to a Podder Befo...

Page 6: ...hone scameratotakeaphotoofthePodder tapTakePhoto Takethephoto andtapUsePhoto Note IfthisisyourfirstPodder youwillneedtoallowaccesstoyourphotosandcamera Toselectaphotofromyourphone sphotolibrary tapPho...

Page 7: ...sHistory onpage10for adescriptionoftheAlertsicons Note Twosettingsmustbeenabledinorderforyouto seeAlerts theiOSNotificationssettingandtheOmnipod VIEW Alertssetting Ifeitherofthesettingsisdisabled youw...

Page 8: ...alrateisshowninbold ifbasalinsulinwasbeingdeliveredatthelastupdate If insulinwassuspendedortherewasnoactivePod then thenameofthemostrecentlyusedBasalProgramis shownandthebasalrateisshowninregulartext...

Page 9: ...theOmnipod Cloud butdoesnot triggeranewupdatefromthePDMtotheCloud Check Insulin and System Status Theapp sHomescreenhasthreetabs locatedjustbelowtheheader thatshowrecentPDMandPod datafromthelastupdate...

Page 10: ...een indicatingthatyouhaveseenall ofthemessages IfthePodder viewsanalarmornotificationmessageonthePDMbeforeyouseeitontheOmnipod VIEW app theAlertstabicondoesnotindicateanewmessage butthemessagecanbesee...

Page 11: ...arrow foundintheupperleftcornerof someSettingsscreenstoreturntothepreviousscreen IfyouhavemultiplePodders thesettingsanddetailsare forthecurrentPodder only Toviewdetailsforadifferent Podder see Switch...

Page 12: ...ydefault AllAlertsison TurnonHazardAlarmsOnlytoseeonlyPDM hazardalarms Advisoryalarmsornotificationsare notshown Turnoffbothsettingsifyoudonotwanttoseeany on screenmessagesforalarmsornotifications The...

Page 13: ...iormobiledataconnection Formore information see HowOmnipodVIEW ReceivesUpdates onpage19 Help Screen TheHelpscreenprovidesalistoffrequentlyaskedquestions FAQ andlegalinformation ToaccesstheHelpscreenfe...

Page 14: ...onfromtheOmnipodDISPLAY app 2 TaptheAcceptInvitelinkintheinvitationemail Note Youmustacceptthisinvitationfromyourphone notfromalaptoporotherdevice Note Ifthe AcceptInvite linkdoesn tworkfromtheemailap...

Page 15: ...theheaderbarofany screen AscreenappearswiththecurrentPodder s imageor iconinthemiddleofthescreen 2 Tapthepencilicon intheupperrightofthe Podder simage 3 Toeditthename tapPodder Nameandenterthe changes...

Page 16: ...lyremovethecurrentPodder TochangewhoisthecurrentPodder see Switch toaDifferentPodder intheprevioussection ToremoveaPodder 1 TapthecurrentPodder s nameintheheaderbarofanyscreen Ascreenappearswiththecur...

Page 17: ...completed Showstheamountofinsulin onboard IOB orsays IOBis NotAvailable WhenIOBisnotavailable an informationiconappears Tap theiconforanexplanation TimeoflastPDMupdatetothe Cloud CurrentPodder s image...

Page 18: ...stalltimestothephone stimezone includingthetimeofthelastPDMupdate andthetimeslistedforthePDMdata Exception ThetimesintheBasalProgramgraphontheBasaltabalwaysusePDMtime Note Notethatyourphonemayautomati...

Page 19: ...vePDMupdatesinthefollowingways ThePodder s PDMcantransmitPDMandPoddatadirectlytotheCloud ThePodder s OmnipodDISPLAY appcanrelaydatafromthePDMtotheCloud Thisrelay canoccurwhentheOmnipodDISPLAY appisact...
