Dashboard tab
The Dashboard tab displays the insulin on board (IOB), bolus, and blood glucose (BG) information
from the most recent PDM update. Insulin on board (IOB) is the estimated amount of insulin
remaining in the Podder’s™ body from all recent boluses.
Basal or Temp Basal tab
The Basal tab shows the status of the basal insulin delivery as of the most recent PDM update. The
tab label changes to “Temp Basal” and is colored green if a temporary basal rate is running.
Value of the last blood glucose
(BG) reading .
The IOB circle is gray when
insulin is suspended or when
IOB is not available .
Says “Insulin Suspended” when
insulin is suspended .
Amount of the last bolus is
shown in gray during a bolus
and shown in blue after
confirmation that the bolus
was completed .
Shows the amount of insulin
on board (IOB) or says “IOB is
Not Available .”
When IOB is not available, an
information icon appears . Tap
the icon for an explanation .
Time of last PDM update to the
Cloud .
Current Podder’s™ image and
Last Sync marker indicates the
time of the last PDM update to the
Cloud . Turns red if the last update
was over 30 minutes ago . Not
shown if there is no active Pod .
Total amount of basal insulin if the
Basal Program runs for 24 hours .
Name of the Basal Program or
temp basal . If a temp basal is
running, a description of the
temporary change appears here .
Tab turns green and is labeled
“Temp Basal” when a temporary
basal rate is active .
Graph of the 24-hour Basal
Program . If a temp basal is
active, the temp basal rate is
shown in light blue .
Shows basal insulin delivery
rate or says “No Active Pod” or
“Insulin Suspended .”
Says “Active” when a Basal
Program or temp basal is
running . Says “Current” when
there is no active Pod or when
insulin is suspended .