w w w . i n n o v a i r . c o m
(9) F1 -Module protection error
Explanation of
The power module is the part
that makes
the compressor work. It can protect
the machine in time when overcurrent, overvoltage or overheat occurs and stops the
compressor from working. It will, at the same time, send “shutdown request” to the
module panel. The error triggered by the “shutdown request” is called “module
protection error”.
Inspection path:
Supply voltage → Compressor wire, reactor wire →
System blocked → Module panel damaged → Main external control panel destroyed
Compressor destroyed
Tools required
for inspection
Multimeter, pressure gauge, megameter, module panel in normal condition
problematic part
Supply voltage, compressor wire, reactor, system pressure, module panel, main external
control panel, compressor
procedure and key
1. I
the order of
compressor wires
is in
can cause reverse rotation
of the compressor.
Try exchanging the compressor wires on U-V phase to see if the
can be solved
2. Check if the supply voltage is unstable and highly volatile, and test if the system
pressure is normal. High system pressure will cause rotating problems to the
3. Is the module panel fixed to the radiator firmly? Will it cause pool cooling? Is the
internal and external heat exchanger dirty, which lead
to poor heat transfer and
system pressure?
4. If “module protection error” will be indicated immediately after starting up, it is
almost certain that it’s substantial error, having nothing to do with supply voltage and
system pressure, it is suggested to observe if there is any component destroyed by
arc near the module panel; use the multimeter to test if the resistances between
any two
compressor wires are the same. The resistances between any two compressor
wires in
normal condition are tiny resistances at ohm level and are basically equal;
then use the
megameter to measure if the resistance insulation of the three compressor
wires against
the earth wire is good (normally at MΩ level), and check if the reactor
wire is well
connected or the reactor is destroyed.
5. Test if the 15V and 5V (3.3V) power supply on the module panel is stable and
the module panel error caused by power supply of the main external control panel.
6. Methods for judging whether the power module is damaged: use the “diode position”
of the multimeter to measure the features of P of the module panel against U-V-W three
phases respectively. Measure the power module P-U, P-V and P-W, there is always
infinite resistance at one side and fixed on-state voltage at the other side (generally
0.5V); measure the features between N-U, N-V and N-W in the same way, if short
circuit occurs during any measurement, then the module is destroyed.
7. Replace with the module panel in normal condition for test. If the test is normal after
changing the module panel, then the original module panel is destroyed.
8. After excluding problems of module, connecting wires, system and power supply,
listen and try to identify any irregular sounds. If there is only electromagnetic sound
and the compressor does not work or the sound of irregular running appears after the
compressor works for a while and then it shuts down and indicates error, chances are
that the compressor is blocked or destroyed. Consider replacing the compressor.