(8) F0- External DC fan error (3-core terminal motor)
Explanation of
Our frequency changing external unit uses the 3-lead-wire DC motor, or
“externally driven DC motor” for short, after 2012. It has no speed feedback
circuit but 3 drive lead wires and its driving principle is similar to that of the
compressor. The main control panel will indicate “external DC fan error” when
it detects imbalanced current on the three lead wires of the driving motor.
Inspection path:
Is the DC fan stuck by foreign matters→Motor terminal
connectors→Main external control panel→Motor
Tools required
for inspection
Main external control panel in normal condition
problematic part
Mechanical jam of external fan, main external control panel, external DC motor
procedure and
key points
1. First exclude the possibility of mechanical jam of external fan blades.
2. Observe if the terminal of the fan is not connected firmly or the order of lead
wires is correct. If the external fan of the newly installed air conditioner rotates
reversely, first observe if the color order of the three lead wires is correct, or
change the order of any two of the three lead wires of the motor to see if the fan
can rotate in the forward direction.
The DC motor of this scheme is relatively simple and reliable, so the problem
is more likely to be caused by the drive part of the fan of the main external
control panel. The maintenance personnel may as well prepare matched main
external control panel before maintenance. If the fan returns to normal after
replacing the main control panel, then it’s the main control panel problem; if it
still indicates external DC motor error, then replace the external DC motor.
Special attention
Unlike the 5-core internal DC motor, there will be a process of fan blade position
locking before the 3-core DC motor with external drive starts to rotate. The fan
blades will shake mechanically for 3-5 seconds and then rotate slowly, which
normal phenomenon.