EonStor / EonStor DS S12/S16/S24 Series
Replacing the Controller Module(s): Single / Dual /
Simultaneous Upgrade
Controller firmware
be identical for proper functionality.
mix controller modules from different models. Each controller has a unique
ID which is applied to host port names. As the result, you may encounter SAN
problems with identical port names on multiple systems.
When removing a RAID controller from a single-controller system, ensure that your
applications have been shut down beforehand.
Controller firmwares
match so before you replace a controller in a dual
re of the operational controller matches
the repl
state its firmware version with a label on the packaging. To find out the firmware
efer to the SANWatch Manual for details). At the bottom
of the screen,
controller system, please check if the firmwa
acement controller sent to you. The replacement controller sent to you will
version of your operating controller, use Storage Manager > Information > Enclos
w in SANWatch (please r
click on the Configuration List tab.
To update the firmware, please refer to the following:
a. EonStor DS SANWatch User Manual on Upgrading the Firmware
b. Firmware Manual on System Functions: Upgrading Firmware