Basic Device Manual AS-i ControllerE M4 Target V15
Error description
RTS errors: error codes R01...R46
RTS errors: error codes R01...R46
RTS = RunTime System (operating system of the controllere)
Menu operation interrupted.
Error message superposes menu screen.
Error message only disappears after:
1. Error removed AND
2. error message acknowledged with the right function key.
Error message
Unknown RTS operating mode
The set operating mode of the device
("RUN" / "STOP" / "GATEWAY") is
unknown to the operating system.
Possible cause: modification of the
device from a gateway variant into a
device with PLC support.
► Switch off the device and keep the
left function key pressed during the
switch-on operation.
Master1: MUX field failure
During the transfer of the MUX fields by
the operating system the master
detected an invalid field number.
Possible causes:
1. Overwriting parts of the operating
system by the PLC
► Check the cause of the wrong
command and correct.
► Reinstall the operating system.
2. Unacceptable interference on the
24 V supply
► Grounding the device via the rail.
► Connection of the FE terminal to
the machine ground.
► Use of a switched-mode power
supply to supply the device.
► Repeat command.
Master2: MUX field failure
→ R02
Master1: Protocol Error (EDET)
The master detected a protocol error
during the transfer of the data fields.
→ R02
Master2: Protocol Error (EDET)
→ R02
General RTS program failure
The operating system detected an
invalid status in the process while
executing the program internally.
Possible cause: operating system
software error.
► Reinstall the operating system.
Projecting mode not active
The attempt was made to execute an
AS-i command which is only allowed in
the "configuration mode".
► Change master to the operating
mode "configuration mode":