©2018 Integrated Device Technology, Inc
September 12, 2018
How to Use this Document
The 8A3xxxx Family Programming Guide contains information on how to access internal registers and what those registers do in detail for all
devices in the 8A3xxxx family. Not all devices in the family support all the same features or quantities of logic blocks, however the register
blocks all behave and are addressed at the same locations in all device. Some devices will not make use of all register blocks since the
associated feature or block of circuitry may not be available in that particular device. A Programming Guide Addendum for each specific device
will indicate which register modules are support in that device.
In addition, there are several other pieces of documentation that describe specific functions or details for the family or individual devices.
shows related documents.
Table 1: Related Documentation for Devices in the 8A3xxx Family
Document Title
Document Description
<device name> Datasheet
Contains a functional overview of the device and hardware-design related details
including pinouts, AC & DC specifications and applications information related to
power filtering and terminations.
<device name>-<dash code> Datasheet Addendum
Indicates pre-programmed power-up / reset configurations of this specific ‘dash
code’ part number
8A3xxxx Family Programming Guide (v4.7)
Contains detailed register descriptions and address maps for all members of the
family of devices. Please check the <device name> datasheet to check the version
used by that device. All devices that use this version number use some subset of
this register map, as indicated in their device-specific Programming Guide
Addendum document..
Evaluation Board Reference Manual
Describes the Evaluation Board. Evaluation boards are available for the 8A34001
(144BGA) or 8A34002 (72QFN) devices. These devices contain a superset of the
functionality available in all other members of the 8A3xxxx Family. So they can
serve as evaluation tools for any of the less fully-featured family members.
Timing Commander Personality User Manual
Detailed description of how to use IDT’s Timing Commander configuration tool. At
this time, a personality file is only available for 8A34001. This personality contains a
superset of the functionality available in all other members of the 8A3xxxx family.
Since all members of the 8A3xxxx family share register locations and resource
numbering, configurations generated using the 8A34001 personality can be used in
any member of the 8A3xxxx family. Functionality that is not available on the other
family members will of course not respond to any configuration of it that is made.
This document discusses the registers supported by a particular version of the Firmware (FW) running on the
internal micro-controller within the 8A3xxxx family of devices. Register maps may change between major releases
of the FW, so please check the
section of this document to ensure this document aligns with the
FW revision being used on the device. FW version numbering follows the format:
v<major release number>.<minor release number>.<hotfix number>
8A3xxxx Family Programming Guide