Copyright © 2014 I.D. Electroquímica, S.L.
All rights reserved. IDEGIS y PoolStation® are registered trademark of I.D. Electroquímica, S.L. in the EU.
Modbus is a registered trademark of Modbus Organization, Inc. Any other names or products, trademarks
or companies may be trademarks or denominations registered by their respective owners.
-According to this information, the seller guarantees that the product under this warranty
does not present any compliance failure at the time of delivery.
-The Total Warranty Period is 2 YEARS, not including fungible materials (pH sensor/ORP).
-The Warranty period will be calculated from the date of delivery to the purchaser. The control unit is
guaranteed for 2 YEARS, without extensions. The pH sensors/ORP (fungible) are covered for a
warranty period of 6 MONTHS, without extensions.
-If the Product fails compliance and the purchaser informs the seller during the Warranty Period, the seller shall
repair or replace the Product, at its own expense, in the place that they deem appropriate, unless this proves
impossible or involves a disproportionate effort.
-If the Product cannot be repaired or replaced, the purchaser may request a proportional reduction in the
price, or, if the compliance failure is sufficiently important, the termination of the sales contract.
-All parts replaced or repaired under this warranty will not extend the warranty period of the original Product,
although they will be covered by their own warranty.
-In order for this warranty to be effective, the purchaser will provide proof of the date of purchase and delivery
of the Product.
-When more than six months have passed from the delivery date of the Product to the purchaser, and if the
purchaser claims a compliance failure of said Product, the purchaser shall provide evidence of the origin and
the existence of the alleged fault.
-This Warranty Certificate does not limit nor prejudge any consumer rights under other national laws in force.
-For this warranty to be effective, the purchaser shall strictly adhere to the Manufacturer's instructions included
in the documentation provided with the Product, whenever these are applicable according to the Product
range and model.
-When a programme is set for the replacement, maintenance or cleaning of certain Product parts or
components, the warranty will only be valid if said programme has been followed correctly.
-This warranty will only be applicable for sales addressed to consumers. By "consumer", we refer to any
individual who acquires the Product for any purpose that falls outside his or her professional activity.
-No guarantee is offered for normal product wear, nor for any fungible parts, components, materials or
-The warranty does not cover instances where the Product: (1) has been misused; (2) has been inspected,
repaired, maintained or manipulated by unauthorised personnel; (3) has been repaired or maintained with
non-original parts or (4) has been incorrectly installed or commissioned.
-When compliance failure of the Product is due to incorrect installation or commissioning, this warranty will
only be effective if such installation or commissioning process is included in the sales contract of the Product
and has been performed by the seller, or under the seller's responsibility.
-Damages or fault in the Product due to any of the following causes:
1) Inadequate system programming and/or calibration in the pH/ORP sensors on the part of the user.
2) Explicit use of unauthorised chemical products.
3) Exposure to corrosive environments and/or temperatures below 0°C or above 50°C. Copyright © 2012 I.D.