Cleaning & Maintenance: Filters
Filter replacement before filter light has turned on
If you replace a filter before a filter change light turns on and you need to reset the
filter timer, do the following:
Replace the filter
following the steps in the manual
Place the timer into reset mode:
Press the reset button for 10 seconds until
all three filter lights blink (Pre, RO, VOC)
Select the filter to be reset:
You can cycle through which filter to select by
pressing the reset button a single time. For example, press one time on the
reset button, and only the
LED will blink. You can now reset the Pre-Filter
time; press one more time, and the
will blink and press one more time and
LED will blink, press one more time and you will return to the blinking
and so on.
Reset the filter:
After a filter has been selected, press and hold the
button for three seconds until the light starts blinking faster and then stops.
This filter has now been reset.
If you want to stop resetting a filter or you have reached this menu by mistake,
stop pressing the reset button and wait 30 seconds, and the AquaTru Carafe
will go back into normal mode.
Filter 1-2
| Pre/Carbon Filter (Part# 10AT100SF01)
Filter 3
| Reverse Osmosis Filter (Part# 10AT100RF01)
Filter 4
| VOC Carbon Filter (Part# 10AT100VF01) or
VOC Carbon with pH + Mineral Boost (Part# 10AT100VFA01)