The most common issues experienced with entry station integration are related to user and directory
synchronization with Protege GX. The following are the key troubleshooting recommendations.
Confirm that the entry station's SOAP Settings (see page 31) are correct, particularly the SOAP Server Address
and operator Username.
Confirm that the SOAP service port is open on the server.
Confirm that the SOAP service is functional. The best method is to install the Protege GX Web Client and
confirm that you can log in using the same operator information as the entry station's SOAP Settings.
Confirm that the user custom fields are named and configured correctly (see page 31).
Confirm that there are sufficient client licenses enabled on the Protege GX server SSN. Each entry station
requires a client license to connect. If all client connections are consumed, the SOAP service will be unable to
connect to the data service, and the entry station will not synchronize with Protege GX.
PRT-ENTR-17 | Protege Vandal Resistant Touchscreen Entry Station | Installation Manual