Protege WX Integration
Protege WX integration with the entry station provides basic user integration with directory access, or system
module integration including extended monitoring, access control and building management functionality.
Directory Integration
Directory integration enables the use of Protege WX directory user records. Directory listings automatically
synchronize and display on the entry station, and can be accessed from the touchscreen to call tenants listed in
the directory. Tenants can unlock a door using validated credentials.
Module Integration
Protege WX module integration with the entry station allows it to communicate with the Protege WX controller to
control any physical devices connected on the Protege WX network. When integrated with Protege WX, you can
program functions that enable you to use the touchscreen to unlock the doors leading to your apartment and
trigger lighting along the way.
Protege WX Integration Prerequisites
The following instructions outline how to populate the entry station's directory with Protege WX users, configure
the entry station in Protege WX as a keypad, and program integrated functionality including opening a door using
the entry station.
Entry station integration with Protege WX requires:
An operational Protege WX system.
An operational Protege Vandal Resistant Touchscreen Entry Station.
PRT-ENTR-17 | Protege Vandal Resistant Touchscreen Entry Station | Installation Manual