Innovative Circuit Technology Ltd.
Privacy Protocol:
Select the privacy protocol for SNMPv3 traps (
Privacy Password:
If a privacy protocol is selected, enter the privacy
password for SNMPv3 traps.
Trap IP Addresses:
Enter the IP addresses for up to two devices that
will receive SNMP traps from the panel.
Select the
page to configure all e-mail settings to enable automatic
e-mail notifications directly from the unit. The information required for this is
available from your Network Administrator, or Internet Service Provider (ISP).
SMTP Server
: Enter the name or the IP address of your SMTP server used
for sending outgoing e-
mail. (e.g. “smtp.gmail.com”)
: Enter the port used by your SMTP server. (Normally 25)
SMTP Server requires SSL
: Check this box if your SMTP server requires an
encrypted SSL connection. This box should normally be checked if the SMTP
port used by the SMTP server is 465. If the SMTP server uses STARTTLS
(normally port 587), this box should be unchecked.
Sender E-mail Address
: Enter an e-mail address that will appear as the
sender for all e-mail notifications sent from the panel.