Issue 1.3
10.3.15 Aggregation submodule
The Aggregation submodule is a freely configurable module in which the measurement
interval and the characteristic values can be selected individually. The submodule name
is assigned automatically by ibaPDA and is in accordance with the set measurement
interval. The default setting is 10 min. If the measurement interval is modified, the module
name will change accordingly.
Details on the aggregation method:
For the standard update intervals (200 ms, 3 s, 10 s, 10 min, 2 h) the aggre-
gation method is listed in the
table „Calculated characteristic values“ in chap-
ter 8.2.
For the update interval „Custom“, the aggregation is executed as follows:
Energy value: total of 10/12 period values
Flicker: Cubic average of Pst values
For all other calculations the quadratic average is being used.
“General” tab
Figure 52: Aggregation submodule
– “General” tab
Basic settings
See Power frequency submodule, “General” tab, chapter 10.3.2
Module Layout
Number of analog signals
Enter the number of desired signals here. The number determines the length of the
signal table in the “Analog” tab.