Issue 1.3
Depending on the AC/DC setting and the configured grid inputs, the Analog tab con-
tains different characteristic values.
Only active power, peak value and active energy are calculated.
The following values are calculated for each phase:
active power & active energy
reactive power & reactive energy (with and without sign)
apparent power & apparent energy
Fundamental reactive power & fundamental reactive energy
Distorsion power & distortion energy
Peak value
Power factor
cos Phi
In a star grid with N/PE and in a grid without N/PE, the above values are also calculated
for the overall grid, with the exception of cos phi and peak value.
The names are set by default but can be edited. To allow an unambiguous identifi-
cation, they contain the input channel and the characteristic value. You can addi-
tionally assign two comments by clicking the
icon in the signal name field.
Display of the unit.
Here you can enable or disable the signal.
Display in the phasor diagram
The power characteristic values can be visualized phase-wise or for the entire grid using
a phasor diagram.
Click the
button in the ibaPDA toolbar to display the phasor diagram.
Hold the mouse button down and drag the Power module from the signal tree on the left
onto the display.