Issue 1.3
Do not switch off the device when an update is running. This might damage the device.
Installing an update can take several minutes.
Update via ibaPDA
Open the ibaPDA I/O Manager and select the PQU-S module in the tree structure.
Click the <Write firmware> button on the “Diagnostics” tab and select the
“pqu_v[xx.yy.zzz].iba” update file.
Click <OK> to start the update.
Figure 11: Update via ibaPDA
Updating the modules
After installing the modules and applying the voltage to the central unit, ibaPQU-S rec-
ognizes the modules and checks the software version.
ibaPQU-S has a so-
called “overall release version”. This version contains the current
software version of the central unit as well as the software versions of the modules.
When the software version of a module does not match the “overall release version” of
the central unit, ibaPQU-S will run an automatic upgrade or downgrade of the module.
Afterwards, the module is ready for use.
Important note
After the update, ibaPQU-S will perform a restart. This can take up to 5 minutes.
Once the green system LED L1 is flashing regularly and the LEDs L5 … L8 are all off,
the device is ready again.