Last change 10/2018 E-P | Subject to technical modifications
(manual regeneration)
The display is shown
when the controller is
run up:
Operating keys:
Starting manual regeneration “softener 1” as follows:
- Press
Function key
Main menu
- Press arrow key on menu item
Operation mode
- Press
input key
- Press arrow key on menu item
Regeneration 1
- Press
input key
- Run?
10 minutes backwash
- Press arrow key on menu item
- Press
input key
Manual regeneration “softener 2“ (only VAD - duplex system)
- Press arrow key on menu item
Regeneration 2
- Press
input key
- Run?
10 minutes backwash
Return to “Superior menu” on controller:
- Function key
The backwashed vessel will switch in “Operation mode“.
Start up of softener
The last pressure vessel having passed the backwash cycle goes
automatically in standby whilst the first pressure vessel is in
operation. (Only duplex-softener - VAD)
Filling of brine tank
Fill water in brine tank to approx. 15 mm high above sieve base.
Fill the salt tank and distribute even on the sieve base (common
salt tablets are required for regeneration; that is not supplied by
Hydrotec (UK) Ltd.
The brine tank can be filled to approx. 150 to 200 mm to lid.
Since contamination in the salt may result in failure to the brine
valve and injector of the control valve, we generally recommend
to use regenerant as per DIN 19604.
Function keys
Input key/
Arrow keys