A Glossary
Quidway NetEngine80
Configuration Guide - Basic Configurations
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 04 (2009-12-20)
Command Line Interface. An interface that allows the user to interact with the
operating system. Users can configure and manage the NE80 by entering
commands through the CLI.
Congestion avoidance
A flow control mechanism by which the network overload is relieved by
adjusting the network traffic. When the congestion occurs and becomes worse,
the packet is discarded by monitoring the network resource.
Congestion management
A flow control measure to solve the problem of network resource competition.
When the network congestion occurs, it puts the packet into the queue for
buffer and determines the order of forwarding the packet.
Command line level
The priority of the system command that is divided into 4 levels. Users of a
level can run the command only of the same or lower level.
A baseband LAN specification created by Xerox and developed by Xerox,
Intel, and Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC). This specification is similar
to IEEE802.3.
An encapsulation format of the Ethernet frame. Ethernet_II that contains a
16-bit protocol type field is the standard ARPA Ethernet Version 2.0
An encapsulation format of the Ethernet frame. The frame format complies
with RFC 1042 and enables the transmission of the Ethernet frame on the IEEE
802.2 media.
First In First Out. A queuing scheme in which the first data into the network is
also the fist data out of the network.
File system
A way in which files and directories in the storage devices are managed, such
as creating a file system, creating, deleting, modifying and renaming a file or
directory or displaying the contents of the file.
File Transfer Protocol. An application protocol in the TCP/IP stack, used for
transferring files between remote hosts. FTP is implemented based on the file
Huawei Group Management Protocol Version 2. A protocol in which the
discovery, topology collection, centralized management and remote
maintenance are implemented on Layer 2 devices of a cluster that are
connected with the router.