Getting Familiar with Your
Stay green
a member of the SCA group in off-hook
Stay red
Other member of the SCA group’s led
status when a member of the SCA group
in off-hook status
Blinked green every 500ms
a member of the SCA group in Private
hold status.
Stay red
Other member of the SCA group’s led
status when a member of the SCA group
in Private hold status
Blinked green every 500ms
a member of the SCA group in public
hold status
Blinked red every 500ms
Other member of the SCA group’s led
status when a member of the SCA group
in public hold
Blinked green every 500ms
a member of the SCA group in
Stay red
Other member of the SCA group’s led
status when a member of the SCA group
in progressing status
Blinked red every 100ms
Stay green
a member of the SCA group in active
status when there is an incoming call
designated for the SCA group
Stay red
Other member of the SCA group’s led
status when a member of the SCA group
in active status
Other Key Led
Headset Key
When use in headset mode, the led is
steady green or the LED is off.
Message Key
Blinked green when there is new
messages or the LED is off.
Mute Key
Red when the mute the call, or the LED
is off.