Basic Call Features
Hold transfer on hook:
1. Setting → Features → Transfer Setting: Hold Transfer On Hook: ON.
2. A place a call to B, B answer, A press the hold soft key and place a call to C, A cancel
the call when C is ringing or answering, then C and B in the same call and the transfer
is successful.
Hold transfer on Three Way conference:
1. Setting → Preference → Three Way Call Release Type:Transfer.
2. A place a call to B, B answer, A place a call to C again, C answer, A press the
Conference soft key then A, B and C will establish meeting.
3. A press the End Call soft key or on-hook to exit the meeting in the process of talking.
4. Then B and C will continue to talk.
Transfer to New Call via Web interface
1. Click Setting → Features
2. Select Transfer Mode via DSS key: New Call
3. Select the desired Line Key and select Transfer in the Type.