Hash mask length: 32
State: Accept Preferred
Scope: Not scoped
Uptime: 00:40:40
Expires: 00:01:42
# Display information about the BSR and locally configured C-RP in effect on Switch D.
[SwitchD] display pim bsr-info
VPN-Instance: public net
Elected BSR Address:
Priority: 20
Hash mask length: 32
State: Accept Preferred
Scope: Not scoped
Uptime: 00:05:26
Expires: 00:01:45
Candidate BSR Address:
Priority: 10
Hash mask length: 32
State: Candidate
Scope: Not scoped
Candidate RP:
Priority: 192
HoldTime: 150
Advertisement Interval: 60
Next advertisement scheduled at: 00:00:34
# Display information about the BSR and locally configured C-RP in effect on Switch E.
[SwitchE] display pim bsr-info
VPN-Instance: public net
Elected BSR Address:
Priority: 20
Hash mask length: 32
State: Elected
Scope: Not scoped
Uptime: 00:01:18
Next BSR message scheduled at: 00:01:52
Candidate BSR Address:
Priority: 20
Hash mask length: 32
State: Elected
Scope: Not scoped
Candidate RP:
Priority: 192
HoldTime: 150
Advertisement Interval: 60
Next advertisement scheduled at: 00:00:48
# Display RP information on Switch A.