[SwitchD-Vlan-interface400] mld ssm-mapping enable
[SwitchD-Vlan-interface400] pim ipv6 sm
[SwitchD-Vlan-interface400] quit
[SwitchD] interface vlan-interface 103
[SwitchD-Vlan-interface103] pim ipv6 sm
[SwitchD-Vlan-interface103] quit
[SwitchD] interface vlan-interface 104
[SwitchD-Vlan-interface104] pim ipv6 sm
[SwitchD-Vlan-interface104] quit
# On Switch A, enable IPv6 multicast routing, and enable IPv6 PIM-SM on each interface.
<SwitchA> system-view
[SwitchA] multicast ipv6 routing-enable
[SwitchA] interface vlan-interface 100
[SwitchA-Vlan-interface100] pim ipv6 sm
[SwitchA-Vlan-interface100] quit
[SwitchA] interface vlan-interface 101
[SwitchA-Vlan-interface101] pim ipv6 sm
[SwitchA-Vlan-interface101] quit
[SwitchA] interface vlan-interface 104
[SwitchA-Vlan-interface104] pim ipv6 sm
[SwitchA-Vlan-interface104] quit
The configuration on Switch B and Switch C is similar to that on Switch A.
Configure C-BSR and C-RP interfaces on Switch D.
[SwitchD] pim ipv6
[SwitchD-pim6] c-bsr 1003::2
[SwitchD-pim6] c-rp 1003::2
[SwitchD-pim6] quit
Configure the IPv6 SSM group range:
# Configure the IPv6 SSM group range FF3E::/64 on Switch D.
[SwitchD] acl ipv6 number 2000
[SwitchD-acl6-basic-2000] rule permit source ff3e:: 64
[SwitchD-acl6-basic-2000] quit
[SwitchD] pim ipv6
[SwitchD-pim6] ssm-policy 2000
[SwitchD-pim6] quit
# Configure the IPv6 SSM group range on Switch A, Switch B and Switch C in the same way.
(Details not shown.)
Configure MLD SSM mappings on Switch D.
[SwitchD] mld
[SwitchD-mld] ssm-mapping ff3e:: 64 1001::1
[SwitchD-mld] ssm-mapping ff3e:: 64 3001::1
[SwitchD-mld] quit
Verifying the configuration
# Display the MLD SSM mapping information for IPv6 multicast group FF3E::101 on Switch D.
[SwitchD] display mld ssm-mapping ff3e::101
Group: FF3E::101
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