Table 5 Known issues
the opportunity to assign network addresses to other network interfaces. After
addresses are assigned the network interfaces can be reconnected or enabled.
failed with the following
error message: The WinRM
client cannot process the
request. If the
authentication scheme is
different from Kerberos,
or if the client computer
is not joined to a domain,
then HTTPS transport must
be used or the destination
machine must be added to
the TrustedHosts
configuration setting. Use
winrm.cmd to configure
TrustedHosts. Note that
computers in the
TrustedHosts list might
not be authenticated.
Set the system level proxy to explicitly bypass the HA file servers. For example,
instead of using the following command:
netsh winhttp set proxy myproxy.fabrikam.com:80 "<local>"
When attempting to use Failover
Cluster Manager to add a File
Share to an HA File Server on the
cluster, the Add Share wizard will
not start.
Also, attempting to use Failover
Cluster Manager to view any
set the proxy using a command like the following:
netsh winhttp set proxy myproxy.fabrikam.com:80
existing shares on file servers in the In this example,
is the client access point used on the HA
file servers.
cluster, just results in a perpetual
“Loading” message. This happens
when a system level HTTP proxy
server is set. Some users will require
a system level proxy to make Cluster
Aware Updating work, but if one is
set, it is important to explicitly
prevent access to your HA file
servers from using the proxy.
To resolve this issue, create MSR (Microsoft Reserved Partition) on the disks that
you want to use in the cluster. Enter the following PowerShell command at an
While validating a cluster, the
following message might be
elevated PowerShell command prompt to determine the disks that require a new
displayed for each cluster
MSR partition:
Get-disk | where {$_.PartitionStyle –eq “GPT”}|
Failed to find or
allocate arbitration
When you execute this command, the partitions on all GPT disks in the system
are listed. In addition to other partitions, each disk that is included in the cluster
sectors for physical disk
from node [server node
must have a 32 MB or 128 MB reserved partition. The MSR partition is created
name]. These sectors are
automatically when the disk is initialized, but it might be accidentally removed
used to test reads and
when you use diskpart, PowerShell, or Device Manager. If a disk included in the
writes to the disk. On a
cluster is missing the reserved partition, use the following methods to create the
missing partition:
GPT disk, these sectors
are located within the
Method 1—Irrecoverable removal of all partitions on the disk
To create the missing
partition using PowerShell:
Cluster Metadata
Partition, and this
Open an elevated PowerShell command shell.
partition may need to be
created from the Microsoft
Enter the following commands to create MSR and data partition using the disk
number found in the output of the
Get-disk | where
{$_.PartitionStyle –eq “GPT”}| get-partition
Reserved Partition so that
the storage will validate.
Known issues