For 38x0 Gateway Storage systems, install the rail kit and insert and secure the storage system
into the rack by following the HP Rack Rail Kit Installation Instructions.
For 38x0 Gateway Storage Blade systems, install the server blade by following the procedures
documented in the Quick Start Guide provided for your model.
Connect to the storage system
Use either the direct attach or remote management method to connect to the storage system.
Only the direct attach and remote management access methods can be used to
install the storage system. After the storage system installation process is complete and the server’s
IP addresses have been assigned, you can then additionally use the remote desktop method to
access the storage system.
Direct attach
—This access method is mandatory if your network does not have a Dynamic
Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server. Connect the following cables to the back panel
of the storage system in the following sequence: keyboard, mouse, network cables, monitor
cable, and power cable.
The keyboard, mouse, and monitor are not provided with the storage system.
Remote management
—Access the storage system using the Integrated Lights-Out (iLO) remote
management method:
Connect the desired network cables to network adapter ports on the back of the storage
Connect a network cable to the iLO port located on the back of the storage system.
Connect a power cable to the storage system.
Locate the iLO Network Settings tag attached to the storage system and record the default
user name, password, and DNS name.
From a remote computer, open a standard Web browser and enter the iLO management
hostname of the storage system.
By default, iLO obtains the management IP address and subnet mask from your
network’s DHCP server. The hostname found on the iLO tag is automatically registered
with your network’s DNS server.
Using the default user information provided on the iLO Network Settings tag, log on to
iLO, and then launch a remote console to the storage system.
For detailed instructions on using iLO remote management software, see the HP iLO 4
User Guide.
Power on the server and log on
Power on the system by pushing the power button on the front panel. If using iLO, click
Momentary Press
under the Power Switch menu of the remote console.
If you are deploying a cluster, only interact with one of the servers. After
powering on both servers, the Setup Windows Wizard and the Initial Configuration Tasks
must be run from only one server.
The storage system starts and displays the Setup Windows wizard, in which you select language
and regional settings and accept the license agreement. After completing the wizard, you are
asked if you want to configure a standalone system or a two-node cluster. Click
to configure
your system as a cluster or click
to configure your system as a standalone server. The
storage system installation process takes approximately 10–15 minutes.
Installing and configuring the storage system