Administrators can use the File and Storage Services role to setup and manage multiple file servers
and their storage by using Server Manager or Windows PowerShell. Some of the specific
applications include the following:
Use Data Deduplication to reduce the disk space requirements of your files, saving money on
Use iSCSI Target Server to create centralized, software-based, and hardware-independent
iSCSI disk subsystems in storage area networks (SANs).
Use Server Manager to remotely manage multiple file servers from a single window.
Use Windows PowerShell to automate the management of the majority of administration tasks
for file servers.
For more information, see the Windows Storage Server 2012 or 2012 R2 Help.
Data Deduplication
Data deduplication involves finding and removing duplication within data without compromising
its fidelity or integrity. The goal is to store more data in less space by segmenting files into small
variable-sized chunks (32–128 KB), identifying duplicate chunks, and maintaining a single copy
of each chunk. Redundant copies of the chunk are replaced by a reference to the single copy. The
chunks are compressed and then organized into special container files in the System Volume
Information folder.
After a volume is enabled for deduplication and the data is optimized, the volume contains the
Unoptimized files
—For example, unoptimized files could include files that do not meet the
selected file-age policy setting, system state files, alternate data streams, encrypted files, files
with extended attributes, files smaller than 32 KB, other reparse point files, or files in use by
other applications.
Optimized files
—Files that are stored as reparse points that contain pointers to a map of the
respective chunks in the chunk store that are needed to restore the file when it is requested.
Chunk store
—Location for the optimized file data.
Additional free space
—The optimized files and chunk store occupy much less space than they
did prior to optimization.
To enable Data deduplication on a volume:
Open Windows Server Manager.
File and Storage Services
and select
Right-click a data volume and select
Configure Data Deduplication
The Deduplication Settings window is displayed.
Complete the following:
Select the
Enable data deduplication
Enter the number of days that should pass between file creation and when files are
Identify any file type extensions that should not be deduplicated.
to browse to any folders containing files that should not be deduplicated.
to apply these settings, or click
Set Deduplication Schedule
to configure a
deduplication schedule.
For more information, see the Windows Storage Server 2012 or 2012 R2 Help.
Microsoft Windows Storage Server 2012 and 2012 R2 administration tools