SROS Command Line Interface Reference Guide
Global Configuration Mode Command Set
© Copyright 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
ip urlfilter max-response
Use the
ip urlfilter max-response
command to set the maximum number of responses allowed to buffer
before receiving an allow or block status from the URL filter server. Use the
form of this command to
set the value back to its default.
Syntax Description
Specifies the maximum number of responses allowed to buffer. Valid range
is 1 to 100 responses.
Default Values
By default, the value of buffered responses is 100.
Functional Notes
When a URL request comes through the unit and URL filtering is enabled, a lookup request is sent to the
URL filter server and the HTTP request is forwarded to the HTTP server at the same time. If the HTTP
server responds before the URL filter server, the response must be buffered until the URL filter server
responds with
. Once the maximum number of buffered HTTP responses is reached, all
following HTTP responses are dropped until some of the existing buffered responses are released.
Buffered responses are released when the URL filter server sends a response or when the firewall
association times out.
Usage Example
The following example sets the maximum number of buffered responses to
ip urlfilter max-response 250