Table 9 BACKUP Completion Codes
An abnormal, voluntary termination with errors. BACKUP could not copy one or more files because of
errors on the tape or disk. The tape is left in a consistent state minus the files in error. For example, if
BACKUP encounters a corrupt file, it skips the file and continues with the next file.
A premature, voluntary termination with fatal errors. BACKUP terminated because of a fatal error or an
invalid user command. The tape generated might be incomplete.
The BACKUP process never got started. This completion code is generated by the TACL process executing
BACKUP. TACL returns the process creation error in the
The BACKUP process calls ABEND on itself. This code is the default completion code for the ABEND
BACKUP Guidelines and Examples
Table 10 BACKUP Guidelines and Examples
(page 72)
Basic Backup Procedures
(page 73)
Backing Up Format 1 and Format 2 Files
(page 74)
Using Qualified File-Set Lists
(page 74)
Backing Up SQL Files
(page 76)
Backing Up or Converting DP1 and DP2 Files
(page 77)
Backing Up With Labeled Tapes
(page 80)
Backing Up in Volume Mode
Basic Backup Procedures
When you back up files, you use a qualified file set (QFS) to specify the set of files to back up. All
files in the QFS must originate from the same node; you cannot specify two nodes in the BACKUP
command. BACKUP records the names of the files in the QFS in local internal format, without a
node identifier (
Although the files in the QFS all originate from one node, they might have implicit relationships
with files on other nodes. For example, a file might be partitioned over several nodes, or a base
table might reside on one node while its indexes reside on another. Unless you specify otherwise,
BACKUP backs up these related files along with the files in the QFS. BACKUP stores the names of
files from other nodes in remote internal format (
) to
prevent accidental overwriting of files that have the same names.
The terms local and remote have a different meaning for QFS. Local implies the node
specified in the QFS. Remote implies other nodes on the same network as the QFS.
The change in definition of "local" eliminates ambiguous file names that were caused by implicitly
named files; for example, an SQL table that is remote in relation to where BACKUP is run and that
has an index that is local in relation to the BACKUP utility. For example, if you perform this BACKUP
command from one system (\A):
BACKUP $Tape, \B.$Vol.Subvol.Table1
where the file (Table1) is an SQL table on a remote node (\B) that has an index (TInd1) local to
system \A. The index (TInd1) is being backed up implicitly with the Table1 file.
Prior to the D30.00 RVU, the NonStop files were backed up using:
After the D30.00 RVU, files are backed up using: