send alert
send alert
command forces an alert condition. It is used primarily to test the set-up of
the dial-out alert function.
set alert
set alert
command sets the alert string that is transmitted through the modem when an
alert condition is detected.
Generally, the alert string is set to the phone number that can be used to dial-in to the system
that is experiencing the alert condition. The alert string is appended to the dial string and the
combination is sent to the modem.
set com1_baud
set com1_baud
command is used to set the baud rate on the external 9-pin
RMC/COM1 port. The available choices are: 1800, 2000, 2400, 3600, 4800, 7200, 9600,
19200, 38400, and 57600.
This command changes the setting of the SRM environment variable COM1_BAUD.
set com1_flow
set com1_flow
command is used to set the flow control that is to be used on the
external 9-pin RMC/COM1 port. The available choices are: none, software, hardware, both.
This command changes the setting of the SRM environment variable COM1_FLOW.
set com1_mode
set com1_mode
command specifies the COM1 data flow path so that data either passes
through the RMC or bypasses it. The available choices are: through, snoop, soft_bypass,
set com1_mode
command changes the setting of the SRM environment variable
hp AlphaServer TS15 Owner’s Guide