The RMC logic is implemented using the QLogic Zircon baseboard management controller.
The RMC logic is responsible for monitoring temperature, fan speed, and all voltages. The
RMC firmware images (booter and runtime) are stored in flash ROM. If the firmware should
ever become corrupted or obsolete, you can update it manually using the Loadable Firmware
Update Utility. See Chapters 2 and 5 for details. The microprocessor can also communicate
with the system power control logic to turn on or turn off power to the rest of the system.
You can gain access to the RMC as long as AC power is available to the system (through the
wall outlet). Thus, if the system fails, you can still access the RMC and gather information
about the failure.
Configuration, Error Log, and Asset Information
The RMC provides additional functionality to read and write configuration and error log
information to Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) error log devices. These operations are carried
out via shared RAM (also called dual-port RAM or DPR).
At power-on, the RMC reads the electrically eraseable, programmable, read-only memory
(EEPROM) chips in the system and dumps the contents into the DPR. These EEPROMs
contain configuration information, asset inventory and revision information, and error logs.
During power-up the SROM sends status and error information for the CPU to the DPR.
The system also writes error log information to the DPR when an error occurs. Service
providers can access the contents of the DPR to diagnose system problems.
Using the Remote Management Console