Updating Firmware
Use the lfu command to update firmware. Example 5–12 shows a typical update from
a CD-ROM. For more information on updating firmware, see Chapters 2 and 4 of this
manual and the Alpha Systems Firmware Web site.
Example 5–12 Updating Firmware from a CD
>>> b dqa0
Checking dqa0. for the option firmware files. . .
dqa0. has no media present or is disabled via the RUN/STOP switch
Checking dva0.0.0.1000.0 for the option firmware files. . .
Option firmware files were not found on CD or floppy.
If you want to load the options firmware,
please enter the device on which the files are located(ewa0),
or just hit <return> to proceed with a standard console update: <return>
Please enter the name of the options firmware files list, or
Hit <return> to use the default filename (DS15fw.txt) :
Copying TS15fw.txt from dqa0. . .
Copying DFXAA320 from dqa0. . .
Copying KZPSAA12 from dqa0. . .
Copying CIPCA420 from dqa0. . .
Copying FC2381A4 from dqa0. . .
Copying KG8381A4 from dqa0. . .
Copying PCCFWQ16 from dqa0. . .
Copying PCCSM112 from dqa0. . .
***** Loadable Firmware Update Utility *****
Function Description
Display Displays the system's configuration table.
Exit Done exit LFU (reset).
List Lists the device, revision, firmware name, and update revision.
Update Replaces current firmware with loadable data image.
Verify Compares loadable and hardware images.
? or Help Scrolls this function table.
UPD> list
Device Current Revision Filename Update Revision
SRM V6.3-1 srm_fw V6.3-1
srom V1.3-F srom_fw V1.3-F
cipca_fw A420
dfxaa_fw 3.20
fca_2354_fw CS3.81A4
hp AlphaServer TS15 Owner's Guide