March 12, 2020
163 | 191
19.5 Restore OCS Data
When initiated, this will allow the user to manually copy the backed-up data from the onboard
flash memory to the Battery-Backed RAM. A restore operation will be automatically initiated if
a backup has been previously created and on power-up the Battery-Backed RAM registers fail
their check.
The following process will be followed for restoring data:
The controller will be placed in IDLE mode.
Data will be copied from onboard flash memory to OCS Battery-Backed RAM.
The controller will reset.
The controller will be put in RUN mode if the
AutoRun setting is ‘Yes’ else it will remain
in IDLE mode.
Figure 19.4
Restore OCS Data
%SR164.3 is set to the value of 1 only when an automatic restore operation is performed - not
on a manual one. This bit is reset to the value of zero (0) when a new backup is created.
Restoring of data can be manually performed by selecting RESTORE option from the Backup /
Restore Data menu. This will cause the controller to reset.