March 12, 2020
36 | 191
5.10 Set Serial Ports
The Set Serial Ports Sub-Menu displays three System Settings, all of which may be edited, and
one optional item. For the Dflt Pgm Port System setting, only MJ1-232 can be selected, unless
a Modem (XMC) COM module is installed.
Dflt Pgm Port
MJ1-232= MJ1 RS232 port is the default programming port
Modem= Modem COM module is the default programming port
MJ2 RS485 Bias
No = MJ2 RS485 bias resistors are not switched in
Yes = MJ2 RS485 bias resistors are switched in
MJ3 RS485 Bias
No = MJ3 R5485 bias resistors are not switched in
Yes = MJ3 R5485 bias resistors are switched in