March 12, 2020
92 | 191
10.10 HSC Functions
The high-speed input on the EXL6 contains many optional tasks, all of which can be disabled,
or set to an internal pre-assigned register (Assigned %Q) or to one of the external High-speed
inputs (External Input #1, 2, 3 or 4). Also, they can be s
et as an “overflow interrupt” or
“underflow interrupt” meaning that they will occur when either the Overflow, or Underflow
input has been activated.
Disable: When the disable function is ac
tive it will “disable” the high
-speed inputs and no
longer count pulses until it is re-enabled
Latch: When the Latch function is active it takes the current value of the Accumulator and
moves it into the “Latch Value” register
Preload: When the pre-
load function is active it will take the value from the “Preload” regis
and put it into the “Accumulator” for the corresponding Counter.
: When the clear function is active it will move a value of 0 into the “Accumulator” for
the corresponding counter
Marker: When the marker function is enabled, it acts as a dynamic enable/disable for the
Disable, Latch, Preload and Clear functions. So, if the marker is enabled and “Assigned %Q” is
selected then both the “Disable” and the “Disable Marker” bits need to be set high in order to
disable the high-speed input. If the Marker is set for one of the inputs then the input will need
to be “High” in order to use any of the Disable, clear, preload, or Latch functions.