March 12, 2020
185 | 191
%Q bits, 78
Accessories, 16
accumulator, 86, 88, 90
Add Target Screenshot in Cscape, 64
Alarms, 134
Analog Input Configuration Dialog, 73
Analog Input Configuration Screen, 82
Analog Inputs, 81
Analog Output Configuration Dialog, 74
Analog Outputs, 83
AutoLoad, 44, 166
AutoRun, 43, 168
Backup / Restore, 161
Backup Battery, 172
Backup, 177
Storing, 172
Battery backed RAM, 45, 154
Battery Charging Cycle, 173
Battery Charging State, 173
Battery Charging Status, 173
Battery Life, 172
Battery Status in System Registers, 173
Beeper Acknowledgement, 133
CAN Comm
Cscape Programming, 111
I/O Expansion (Network I/O), 111
Ladder-Controlled, 111
Overview, 110
Ports, 110
CAN Communications, 110
CAN Connector & Pins, 110
CE, 11
, 45
Clone Unit, 45, 154
, 156
COM, 31, 33, 36, 107, 109, 111, 179, 180
COM port, 179
Communicating via MJ1 Serial Port, 67
Communication Configuration Dialog, 65
Communication options, 112
Communications Port, 63, 64, 180
CE, 11
Configuration of a Removable Media, 150
Configuration via Mini-B USB, 109
Configured reset value, 87
Configuring Video Properties, 144
, 97, 99
Csape Program
Via Serial Port, 109
Cscape, 15, 33, 34, 57, 60, 66, 75, 78, 80, 81, 83,
84, 107, 109, 111, 132, 148, 149, 150, 179, 180,
Alternative Connection Method Screenshot, 64
Analog In Configuration, 73
Analog Out Configuration, 74
Configuration Procedures, 69
Digita In / HSC Configuration, 71
Digital Out / PWM Configuration, 72
Establishing Communications, 61
Overview, 60
Status Bar, 60
Cscape Connection Wizard Screenshots, 63
Cscape LAN Config, 117
Cscape Target & Local Numbers, 179
Data Mapping
Update Type
, 125
Data Mapping Configuration, 125
datasheet, 4, 75, 80, 83
Default Gateway, 115
Device Configuration, 123
Device List, 123
Device List and Device Configuration, 123
Device Manager, 180
Devices to Connect to EXL6, 14
Digital Inputs, 80
Dimensions, 20
Direct digital input control, 87
Downloadable Communication Protocols, 118
Overview, 118
Duty Cycle, 101, 102
Duty Cycle Examples, 102, 103
Ethernet, 61
Ethernet Communication, 112
Ethernet Configuration