March 12, 2020
186 | 191
IP Parameters, 117
Ethernet Module
Default Gateway, 115
IP Address, 115
Net Mask, 115
Status Register, 115
Version Register, 115
Ethernet Module Configuration, 113, 114
Ethernet Module Protocol Configuration, 117
Ethernet Module Protocols & Features, 112
Ethernet Module Protocols and Features, 112
Ethernet Module Specifications, 112
Ethernet Status Word Register Format, 115
Ethernet System Requirements, 112
EXL6 Dimensions, 20
EXL6 I/O Cover Photograph
, 76
EXL6 I/O Cover Removed (sample I/O board)
Photograph, 76
EXL6 Manual PREFACE, 2
EXL6 OCS Dimensions, 20
EXL6 OCS Mounting Clip, 18
EXL6 OCS Mounting Orientation, 19
EXL6 OCS with Mounting Clips, 18
Safe System, 42
Fail Safe System Overview, 160
Fail Safe System Settings, 161
Fail-Safe System, 160
Features, 15
Filename Special Symbols
, 152
Firmware Updates, 174
Flow Chart for AutoLoad, 167
Flow Chart for Automatic Restore, 165
Frequency, 71, 86, 94, 95, 99, 101
fusing, 78, 79
General I/O
Overview, 75
Glossary, High Speed I/O, 85
Ground Specification, 23
Locations of Information, 11
Grounding Definition, 23
Hardware Configuration Dialog, 113
High Speed
Configure Inputs, 86
Frequency, 86
High Speed / PWM
Overview, 84
High Speed Counting, 84
High Speed I-O, 84
HSC, 71, 84, 86, 90, 94, 97, 99
HSC Functions Register Map for 2 HSC
configuration, 94
HSC Functions Register Map for 4 HSC
configuration, 95
I/O Cover Removal, 75
IP Address, 115
IP Parameters, 117
Jumpers Example, 76
Ladder control, 87
LAN1 Configuration, 68
Lithium Battery Safety, 172
Load Clone, 46, 158
Maintenance, 154, 174
Make Clone, 154
Manual Index, 13
micro SD Cards, 147
Installing / Removing, 147
Micro SD System, 148
Minimum Clearance Requirements for Panel Box
and Door, 21
Modbus Addressing Table, 171
Modbus Communications, 169
Modbus Master, 170
Modbus Master Mapping, 171
Modbus Slave, 169
Model / I/O Overview, 77
Modes Supported by Totalizer, 86
Mounting Orientation, 18
Mounting Requirements, 17
Panel Door Mounting, 17
Net Mask, 115
Network Configuration, 121
Opening Cscape Help File, 16
Opening Video Object in Cscape, 142
Orientation of EXL6 OCS, 19
Back up Battery, 172
Modbus, 169
Panel Box
Clearances, 21
Grounding, 21
Noise, 22
Orientation, 21
Temperature, 21
Panel Box Shock and Vibration, 22
Panel Cut-out, 19