March 12, 2020
181 | 191
23.2 Local Controller and Local I/O
The System Menu provides the following status indications that are useful for troubleshooting
and system maintenance.
Self-test results, diagnostics.
RUN and OK status
Network status and usage
Average logic scan rate
Application memory usage
Loaded firmware versions
Loaded protocols
Removable media access
To view the System Menu, press the System key.
23.2.1 Local I/O Troubleshooting Checklist
Verify the controller is in RUN mode.
Check diagnostics to ensure controller passed self-tests.
View Diags in System Menu or in Cscape, click; Controller/Diagnostics
Check data sheets to ensure proper wiring.
Ensure that hardware jumpers and software configuration for I/O match.
Check data sheets for voltage and current limits.
Take ladder out of the picture. From Cscape
set controller to “Do I/O” mode. In this
mode inputs can be monitored, and outputs set from a data watch window in Cscape
without interference from the ladder program. Some I/O problems are only a result of a
mistake in the ladder program.
WARNING: Setting outputs ON in Do I/O mode can result in injury or cause
machinery to engage in an unsafe manner depending on the application and the