DeltaMyc Operation Manual J810018 (7 Oct 2014)
Keep this and the other reference manuals near the system.
0: Introduction
About the DeltaMyc
The DeltaMyc is a time-correlated single-photon counting (TCSPC) fluorescence life-
time system designed for the study of microscopic samples. It is the ideal system to
measure lifetimes ranging from 100 ps to 10 µs, on micron-scale features. Its confocal
and imaging capabilities makes it the ultimate tool for fluorescence microscopy inves-
tigation, with high spatial resolution and high timing sensitivity.
The system consists of the following components:
Microscope with motorized
stage and CCD camera
Confocal pinhole adapter
DeltaHub TCSPC timing electronics
Direct-coupled light source from the DeltaDiode series
DeltaDiode controller
PPD detector (near-IR, up to 900 nm, options available)
host computer with pre-installed data-acquisition cards and software: DataStation
measurement and control software; DAS decay-analysis software (Foundation-level
The timing electronics are controlled through the intuitive DataStation measurement
control software application. Decay data measured using DataStation can be analyzed
using the DAS decay-analysis software package.
This manual explains how to operate and maintain a DeltaMyc microscope. The manu-
al also describes measurements and tests essential to obtain accurate data. Please refer
to the DataStation and DAS operation manuals for more information about how to use
the software. An in-depth description of the hardware items can also be found in their
respective manuals; we advise you to familiarize yourself with them. This operation
manual is primarily concerned with the installation, and providing an overview of the
DeltaMyc system operation, with measurement examples.