DeltaMyc Operation Manual J810018 (7 Oct 2014)
Choose microscope scan file
The prompt and decay data as well as the anchor picture will be saved during
the scan. Click the
Choose File
button and select the appropriate location for
the file. Enter a filename. The file will be saved with the
extension. The
file can become very large depending on the number of decays.
Data processing
During the scan, a rough analysis of the data is performed. Depending of the
number of decays, this analysis may become time-consuming.
If a prompt is acquired before the decays, or if no prompt is acquired, the analy-
sis takes place after each decay-acquisition. If a prompt is acquired after the de-
cays, the analysis takes place at the end of the scan, and may take several
minutes to complete.
The estimated lifetime is calculated from the prompt and decay data using a
simple algorithm to establish the delay between the prompt and the decay curve.
The logarithm of the decay data is then fitted with this calculated lifetime, in its
linear part. If no prompt was acquired, the estimated lifetime is calculated by a
tail fit of the decay curve. You can select the algorithm used for the lifetime es-
Click the Next step button to continue.
If the prompt is to be measured before the decays, the prompt measurement is
configured next. Otherwise, the decay measurements are configured.
Prompt measurement
Location of the prompt measurement
Select the location of the prompt measurement in the window that appears next. Simi-
larly to the Single-point selection window, you can adjust camera parameters and sam-
ple position. The prompt is measured in the laser reference position.
Prompt measurement
Once you choose the location of the prompt, the data-acquisition starts. When com-
plete, the decay measurements can be configured.
Decay measurements
Location of the decay measurements
The number and the location of the decay measurements can be configured in the
Scanning microscope
window that opens next (Fig. 24).