If Percent On Time was selected for ISU 1005, select the
Ventilation Percent on Time. See Fig. 233.
Fig. 233.
Select the Outdoor Condition Lockouts. See Fig. 234.
See “Ventilation — Outdoor Condition Lockouts (ISU
1013)” on page 91 for more information.
Fig. 234.
When ISU 1012 Ventilation Priority is set to Lockouts are
Priority, or ISU 1005 Ventilation Control Methods is set to
Percent On Time, the thermostat will indicate whether
this meets or may not meet the ASHRAE 62.2 Standard
or the Percent On Time setting. See Fig. 235.
Fig. 235.
When ISU 1012 Ventilation Priority is set to ASHRAE is
Priority, the screen below will indicate the maximum
length of time that ventilation can be locked out over a 21
hour time period. For example, Ventilation Lockout Will
Not Exceed 12.5 hours. The length of time that ventila-
tion is locked out is limited to ensure that the ASHRAE
62.2 Ventilation Standard is met. See Fig. 236.
Fig. 236.
Select whether to lockout ventilation on humidification or
dehumidification calls. This feature is used to help reach
the user's desired humidity level by not allowing the ven-
tilation equipment to run during a call for humidification
Scroll to see:
May not meet
ASHRAE 62.2 due to
the ventilation lockouts
Scroll to see:
Ventilation lockout
will not exceed
12.5 hours