Fig. 149.
Fig. 150.
Using the Temperature Display
In some circumstances, the temperature displayed on the
Home screen may not match the temperature near the
If your system is set up to use remote indoor sensors, it may be
reading a sensor in another location.
Fig. 151.
Using the Humidity Display
In some circumstances, the humidity displayed on the Home
screen may not match humidity near the thermostat.
Some systems are set up to use two sensors, one to control
humidification, the other for dehumidification. These sensors
are often installed in different locations.
Depending on how your thermostat was installed, the
thermostat Home screen will display humidity readings from
only one sensor.
Fig. 152.
Universal Outputs (U1, U2, U3)
U1, U2, U3 are universal outputs that can be setup to control
IAQ equipment and a stage of heating or cooling in the Installer
Setup. Setup options are listed below. See Thermostat Wiring
Guides on page 129 and Equipment Interface Module wiring
Universal Output Options
With Equipment Interface Module (U1, U2, U3):
• Humidification (ISU 803)
• Dehumidification (ISU 904)
• Ventilation (ISU 1002)
• Cool Stage 3 (ISU 208)
• Cool Stage 4 (ISU 209)
• Geothermal Radiant Heat (ISU 203, 204)
TH8321 Thermostat Only (U1)
• Humidification (ISU 803)
• Dehumidification (ISU 904)
• Ventilation (ISU 1002)
• Cool Stage 3 (ISU 208)
• Conventional Heat Stage 3 (ISU 210, 214)
• Backup Heat Stage 2 for Heat Pumps (ISU 217)
• Geothermal Radiant Heat (ISU 203)
Universal Inputs (S1, S2, S3, S4)
S1, S2, S3 and S4 are universal inputs that can be setup to
work with a sensor or dry contact device in the Installer Setup.
Setup options and compatible sensors are listed below. See
wiring diagrams on page 74 and page 135. The thermostat has
1 Universal Input and the Equipment Interface Module has 4
Universal Inputs.
Installer Options
Enter password
0 0 0
Temperature reading depends on location of sensor
Humidity reading depends on location of sensor.