When the Backup Heat Droop is set to Comfort, the thermostat
uses backup heat as needed to keep the indoor temperature
within 1 °F (0.5 °C) of the setpoint. The Comfort setting is NOT
an option on heat pumps with fossil fuel backup heat.
When the Backup Heat Droop is set to 2 °F or higher, if the
primary heat is making progress as expected, backup heat will
not be used to reach the new setpoint. Set to a higher number
to use less backup heat (a greater difference between the
current indoor temperature and the new setpoint is required to
turn on backup heat). See notes below.
If the primary heat is making progress as expected, backup
heat will not be used to reach the setpoint of the next program
period. Backup heat is always restricted during a programmed
recovery when the Adaptive Intelligent Recovery feature is
used. See note below.
NOTE: During a programmed recovery (or when the tem-
perature setpoint is changed by the user), the
thermostat waits to turn on the backup heat
depending on system performance, load condi-
tions and how many degrees the temperature set-
point is changed. Backup heat will be used ONLY
when the temperature is not rising quickly
enough to reach the setpoint in a reasonable time.
NOTE: If the backup heat was used in the last 2 hours
because the primary heat was not able to main-
tain the setpoint, the thermostat may turn on the
backup heat earlier when the user raises the set-
point. This does NOT apply to heat pumps with
fossil fuel backup heat.
Select Basic Options or Advanced Options to view/adjust
Backup Heat Droop settings.
Fig. 165.
Default is Comfort. Adjust differentials as needed.
Fig. 166.
Backup Heat Upstage Timer
The Backup Heat Upstage Timer is available for any system
with 2 heating types and the Backup Heat Droop is set to 2 °F
(1.0 °C) or higher.
Backup heat is not used unless the indoor temperature drops
to the Backup Heat Droop setting or the Backup Heat Upstage
Timer expires, whichever occurs first. The upstage timer starts
when the highest stage of the previous equipment type turns
Backup Heat Upstage Timer options are Off, 30 minutes to 16
hours. Default is Off.
Fig. 167.
Multistage Control
Multistage Control keeps the high stage of the equipment
running until the desired setpoint is reached. This setting is
recommended for Geothermal Heat Pumps to allow the loop to
To view/adjust “Finish with High Heat Stage” or “Finish with
High Cool Stage,” set ISU 301 Control Options to “Advanced
Options.” See Fig. 168. Select Yes to turn on this feature.
Default is No.
Fig. 168.