System Options Menu - Continued
Used to select which quick codes are enabled. Each Quick Code can be individually
enabled or disabled. The User can still access these functions if they have been
assigned the
User Menu
Part Set A is normally used for a Night Set and Part Set B is normally used for a Home Set.
0#1 - User Log
0#3 - Walk Test
0#4 - Full Set
0#5 - Quick Arm
0#6 - Tog Chime
0#7 - Part Set A
0#8 - Part Set B
0#9 - Bell Test
0*1 - Sms Engs.
0*2 - Sms Log
0*3 - Call PC
0*4 - PC Direct
0*5 - UserChk
0*6 - TmpUser
0*7 - HomeAlone
0*8 - Outputs
The last 7 non-user log events can be sent as a text message by the user to the
installation engineer(s) pre-programmed phone numbers.
The last 7 non-user log events can be sent as a text message by the user to any
text enabled phone. The user will be prompted to key-in the phone number.
The user can call, via the digi modem, a remote PC supporting SmartLink 7. They
will be prompted to key-in the remote location’s phone number.
The user can start a SmartLink 7 session, via one of the serial ports on the panel.
This is used with the User Alert feature to check that a user is still on the premises.
The user can create a temporary user code that is valid for a limited number of days.
This code may be used by temporary users like tradesmen, cleaners etc.
This enables and disables the HomeAlone timer which is used to generate an event
should a user not unset the panel within a certain time-frame. At the “Home From”
time, if the panel is unset then an event will be generated indicating that the user
cannot unset the panel. The event logged will indicate who did unset the panel. The
“Home To” time indicates the latest time at which the user should unset the panel. If
this time is reached and the required user has not unset the panel then this will be
logged indicating that the user has not checked in on time. If a dialler or GSM unit is
attached to the panel then the events generated can be sent as an SMS message to
relevant phones
A typical set-up for a child returning from school... Home From = 16:00, Home To =
16:30 (Monday - Friday)
This will bring up a special user menu to operate the User Outputs directly on the
system keypad i.e. without having to send commands via SMS or the HKC App.
The User Log is a record of events that can be viewed by the end user. It is limited
to those events that occurred since the system was last armed.
As the end user opens a zone they will briefly hear the buzzer and interior siren,
they will also see the zone description appear on the keypad display. The buzzer
and internal siren will be briefly heard again as the zone is closed.
The user can arm the system with an exit time.
The user can arm the system with zero exit time.
The chime feature can be turned on by pressing 0#6. Pressing 0#6 again will turn off
the chime feature. “Tog” is shorthand for “Toggle”.
The panel can be partially set i.e. those zones excluded from Part Set A will not
The panel can be partially set i.e. those zones excluded from Part Set B will not
The system will systematically sound the buzzer and illuminate the LED’s on the key
pad, then sound the interior siren and finally prompt the user to go outside and
sound the exterior siren and activate the strobe.
Default Eng. Code - 4567 Default User Code - 1111 (Irl) 1234 (UK)