Using the Menu system
HT800 Series VTR and Disk controller
for recording “live” signals, then set to
YES. This leaves the player channel (REM
1) free to mark and recall cues. When set
to NO the player channel can be used as
an edit source VTR. Note: it is not
necessary to use a source VTR in this
mode, but cues will not available.
Cue mode
Cue & Stop, Cue & Play
Description: Effects the cueing of the connected VTRs.
Cue & Stop
Cues the VTR and goes into still.
Cue & Play
Enters the play mode automatically once
an operator has initiated the CUE
Stop at
Off, End, Out
Description: End, stores the T/C at the point the
recorded channel was stopped (less 6
frames), when replayed in PLAY or VAR
mode the controller will stop the VTR at
this T/C before the playback overruns
into unwanted black. Out stops the
playback on the out point of a cue in
playback mode.
Fast Cue
NO or Yes
Description: Some VTRs cue tape very slowly using
the standard cue command. Fast cue
mode allows fast forward and rewind
commands in CUE mode. These
commands are used for cueing until the
tape position is within a few seconds of
the cue point, then the cue command is