CPW 0604 BA CPW 0604 Issue 10.09.13 (From Software-Release
Automatic Options
The following displays can be active depending on machine
equipment and machine configuration.
Touch key STOP dn
Only with set option [Parameter Stopper = 1]
Stopper cylinder (retractable zero position stop) can be
retracted manually.
This function may have another function
in the case of a special application!
Touch key STOP up
Only with set option [Parameter Stopper = 1].
Stopper cylinder (retractable zero position stop) can be
raised manually.
This function may have another function
in the case of a special application!
Touch key COUNTER
Only with set option [Parameter shift counter = 1].
Shift counter (work pieces) can be set to zero.
Display CP signal
Only with set option [Parameter CP signal = 1].
Only in connection with power units with
CP signal output!
4 Function