© 2013 Harmonic Inc. Harmonic All rights reserved.
Ellipse 3000 Release 3.0, Rev. B
Chapter 11
DSNG Configuration
This chapter details the DSNG Modulation and Up-Conversion configuration menus and
parameters for the Ellipse 3200 DSNG Contribution Encoders.
11.1 General
The DSNG Modulation and Up-Converter menu allows the user to set modulation and up-
converting parameters for the encoders equipped with an MPEG-S/S2 DSNG modulator module.
These DSNG dedicated Ellipse platforms provide IF or L-Band modulation and up-converting
outputs for the encoder output streams.
Based on the modulation mode selected for the encoder, some of the parameters are unique for
L-Band modulator and up-converter, some are unique for the IF modulator and some are
common to both modulation schemes. Therefore, this chapter is divided into three sections (see
Figure 11–1):
L-Band Modulator Parameters
– Details the parameters unique to the L-Band modulator (see
11.2 L-Band Modulator Parameters
IF Modulator Parameters
– Details the parameters unique to the IF modulator
Common Modulation Parameters
– Detailing the modulation parameters common for both IF
and L-Band modulators (see
11.4 Common Modulation Parameters