RevV4 Valves & Systems Service Manual
Hankscraft Runxin, LLC 300 Wengel Drive 608.524.9465 [email protected]
When the RevV4 is in service and the water level in the tank is low the pump starts up. If the water
tank has enough water the switch for the liquid level controller is closed and the pump turns off. When the
RevV4 is in regeneration the inlet always requires water. A safety switch should be installed in the holding
tank so the pump does not go dry.
Liquid Level Switch in Water Tank Controls Inlet Pump (three-phase) (set b-01)
Figure 8-5 Wiring of Liquid Level Switch in the Holding Tank with the Pump on the Inlet.
Inlet Booster Pump (set b-01 or b-02)
If inlet water pressure is less than 20 psi, install a pump on the inlet side of the RevV4; usually set
for control mode b-01. When the RevV4 valve is in regeneration, the booster pump is open and active. If the
booster pump current is greater than 5A, an external contact is required. Refer to Figure 8-6 and 8-7.
Figure 8-6 Schematic of output to a pump < 5A. Figure 8-7 Schematic of output to a pump > 5A. Incorporates relay.