Hangar 9 Pulse 125 ARF Assembly Manual
Step 2
Apply a small amount of petroleum jelly to the tail gear wire.
This will keep the epoxy from gluing the wire to the bracket.
Step 3
Test fit the rudder on the hinges. Make sure the tail gear fits
into the pre-drilled hole in the rudder.
Step 4
When fitting the rudder, make sure there is a sufficient gap
between the rudder and fin. Use a hobby knife to set the
correct spacing.
Step 5
Mix a small amount of 30-minute epoxy. Apply the epoxy to
both the tail gear wire where it enters the rudder and to the
hole in the rudder.
: Use a paper towel and rubbing alcohol to remove
any excess epoxy before it cures. Excess epoxy could
cause the rudder and fin to bind and increase the load
on the rudder servo.
Step 6
The rudder and fin can now be joined together. While the
epoxy cures, wick thin CA into each hinge. Apply the CA
to both sides of the hinge. Allow the CA to cure WITHOUT
using accelerator as this will not allow the CA to wick full
into the hinge. Continue once the CA and epoxy have both